Rental Services We provide info and resources to help low-income individuals and families find affordable housing in Arlington – including grants and vouchers to cover a portion of monthly rent payments, a listing of affordable units throughout the County, and more.
Affordable Units Affordable housing is available at numerous apartment complexes in Arlington. Most of these complexes were built, acquired or renovated with public funds as part of their financing, or had units set aside as affordable.
Contact the Housing Information Center Contact us by phone or the online form to learn more about general housing information, housing vouchers, housing grants and tax relief programs.
Missing Middle Housing Study The Missing Middle Housing Study will explore how new housing types could help address Arlington’s shortfall in housing supply and gaps in housing choices.
Affordable Housing We support affordable housing by providing financing and zoning incentives for developers, working with local non-profits that finance and develop affordable housing, and by providing rental assistance to low-income families
Homeownership The Housing Division provides programs and services to turn the dream of homeownership into a reality for moderate income households. Housing programs can help first-time homebuyers plan, purchase and maintain a new home in Arlington County. homeownership programs, homebuying, home purchase, homeownership assistance
Community Development We provide funding and assistance to local community groups working to achieve the goals identified in the Consolidated Plan.
Housing Arlington Housing Arlington is an umbrella program that takes a proactive, expanded approach to reach an equitable, stable, adaptive community.
15th Annual Northern Virginia Housing Expo 12 Apr 2025 15th Annual Northern Virginia Housing Expo Meridian High School, 121 Mustang Alley, 22043 Tagged as: , Exhibitions & festivals, Housing, Public Meeting, Talks & workshops, Adults